So, here is a long overdue moment to talk about Tanner!
Tanner will be officially 2 and a HALF later this month. And finally got to start back to his "school" last week. His school started later than the girls, and he was pretty bitter about it... and on top of that, the poor thing was sick the first day and had to miss.
I bought his backpack actually last year on clearance... so I've had it a while. Once I showed it to him... well, he has had it out and ready since late July. He requested it frequently, and would wear it around the house. Here he is ready to load up for school in one of his three favorite "ball shirts", and his new "race car" shoes that he has been patiently waiting to wear.
He loves his school... thank goodness. It's a sweet little preschool, and he is always referred to as a "joy to have in class". I really hope that theme continues... HA! With my job, he is in five days now. Sort of sad... he doesn't bat an eye when I leave. As soon as he's in the door..."Bye, Mamma." I even had to drag him crying from the open house. He wanted to stay and play!

Tanner had a big summer.... and wanted to spend all of it in the pool! "Pool Today?" I heard that every morning. He took right to swimming, and was jumping off the diving board before I could even try to stop him. He puts his face in the water and everything, and was just itching to ditch those floaties. His fearless attitude would either impress the other pool members or make them think I was crazy.
And he is also very into music these days. He loves to drum, and will make a drum out of anything that can bang, or be banged on... which as you can imagine, is a wide variety of things. We also learned what an IPOD is... and that Daddy is not a fan of Hannah Montana, but Tanner kind of liked her - especially the "Hoe Down" song.

In addition to him joining Tessa for the super hero kick this summer... he has really embraced the whole "car" thing. He loves his cars, lines them up on his bed, and likes to sleep with his trucks. He will also call specialty vehicles to your attention... with his favorite thing to point out being a fire truck. Between the fire trucks, school buses, and passing Chick-Fil-A... there is never a dull moment with Tanner in the car. He will also let you know if you should be stopping or going at the light... and he's sort of bossy about it! HA!

And of course, unlike either of his sisters at this age, he loves to have his picture taken... and any time he finds something he deems worthy of snap shot, he will let you know or just bring you the camera.
He felt very strongly that we get a shot of him in this Krispy Kreme hat. A friend had brought us these donuts that day... when we get donuts, we usually do Shipley. And so Tanner wasn't used to the donuts coming with a new hat. Big fun.

And with so much for him to do and be excited about... he does usually sleep pretty good. Although, he has taken a new liking to climbing into our bed around 4:00 AM, and literally shoving me over. "Max Ruby, Mamma," he'll say... requesting I flip the TV on to his favorite show (well, next to "Dora Boots" HA!)
He is, like the other two, growing up too fast... This last week we sold the last of our "baby" stuff at a consignment sale. We parted with several things that made it through almost seven years and three babies... hard to believe. I had a friend post on FB the other day, "Parenting: What else makes you so sad to watch go by, while being so rewarding."

And speaking of rewarding, our next major milestone project on the horizon where The Boy will be concerned is Potty Training - and I'm afraid... very afraid.
"When I grow up I want to be a little boy," Joseph Heller
He is absolutely adorable! I love that krispy creme hat on him!
Hey Tricia! So glad I found your blog. I enjoyed so much reading about Tanner! All of your children are so pretty. I think the girls look just like you and T looks just like Trav! Just adorable!
He is so cute! Carter also runs away from us when we pick him up from daycare--he is having so much fun! Those boys...such blessings! He looks so big with his backpack! Don't you love buying fun things on clearance??
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