Our Tessa had her first one last night. And she was SO CUTE!

Now... we don't think she did much singing, exactly, but she certainly did her part to contribute with some festive dance moves, and most importantly, thoroughly enjoyed herself up there.

Plus, after the first song's applause died down, when the audience fell completely silent, she gave a big wave and shout out to her daddy. :-)
After the big performance, we headed to the mall for a visit with Santa. Tessa must have still been caught up from her big night and actually agreed to sit on Santa's lap - without screaming. Of course, it only lasted about 2 minutes.... but it was something. Doesn't Santa look thrilled!

Of course, Tanner wasn't all that interested in Santa or sitting on his lap. He was too busy trying to escape and climb the stairs to the next level of the mall.
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