At 7:00 AM, I glanced at the Yahoo headlines this morning on my way to the laundry room and noticed that Punxsutawney Phil had already been up and predicted six more weeks of winter... and it dawned on me that I cannot believe it's February already!
Last week was one of those weeks... by Tuesday you're so ready for it to be over, but come Friday night you can't believe it's gone. It was the last week of the month (which is always long because Trav works sooo many extra hours). We spent Monday and Tuesday cuddled up under the covers inside due to ice and snow threats, and it was just way too cold to go anywhere anyway!

And we also spent plenty of time doing some redecorating...

Then on Thursday I got my computer in from my new job, and had to get it home and all set up, etc., etc... and I am pleased to report that thus far, it seems to be GREAT! I'm anxious to get more acclimated to the various doctors and their styles so that I'll be quicker at getting reports done, but I don't think it will take too long.
This is what the "desk," which sits in the tiny walkway between the kitchen and the laundry room, looks like now. It's still in gross need of organization... of course. It's not the ideal arrangement... but it works.

And so we're gearing up for a busy month! Our sweet Tessa turns 4 next Sunday. We'll be celebrating the Saturday before doing one of her favorite things - SWIMMING!! Grandma hooked Tessa up with an indoor pool party - and she is soooo excited.

And a couple of weeks later is my birthday - when I turn 25!! Oh... I mean, 35. For some reason 35 seems much older to me than 34. When I'm at the gym punching my weight and age into the elliptical, I will no longer get to "arrow down" to 34. It starts up at 35. I'll be in a whole new "group" on the forms where you have to check a box... no longer in the 25 to 34 group. Now I'll be 35 to 44. Ouch!
Somewhere in the middle of things I am also hashing out my nursing school plans. Tanner is officially enrolled in five day childcare for next year (sniff... sniff....), and we're praying Tessa gets into the LRSD Pre-K school we want her at. And as a new "twist" to that venture... I have to retake the ACT. Yes, that's not a typo. The ACT, that horrible test you dreaded all throughout high school. It turns out the powers that be in the registration office at Baptist have been very busy since I first starting taking my pre-req classes out there, and have made a few changes.
They have now decided that if your ACT score is more than 10 years old... they're gonna need you to take it again. Seriously! Luckily, I don't have to make a high score (or I'd be quite screwed), so if I can just swing the same sad little score I managed the first time around, I'll be okay.
And on an exciting side note: As you probably know, American Idol is back on!! And while it's too soon for any favorites this round, I will be in the second row later this month to see a favorite from last year - DAVID COOK! I know it'll be way fun, and I am very much looking forward to hearing David sing about the time of his life... :-)
1 comment:
I'm going to see David Cook too!!!
Loved the pictures!
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