Well, another week, and another THREE (and a half, actually) pounds!! Grand total is 27.5 lost. YEAH! I was thinking yesterday that 27.5 pounds was great... but with 50 plus left on the chopping block, my focus has been more on what's left. However, it occured to me yesterday that Tessa weighs 26.5 pounds... In 7 weeks I've lost as much as Tessa weighs!
So, on that note, I decided to reward myself with a new video IPOD. For a bargain of $137 dollars at Sam's, I can now watch TV shows I like at the gym (here's a pic of my favorite elliptical machine there - yeah, I have a favorite), as opposed to just having to stare at the big TV they have where apparently the only thing they can watch is Fox News or, of all things, the freakin Food Channel where Paula Dean is constantly whipping up something fried! I was using my favorite celebrity trash mags to get through the gym time, but I convinced Trav that in the long run - the IPOD would actually be cheaper!
Oh... and FYI, there are some random kid pics to accompany this post. :-)
Obviously, as you could imagine, my exercise efforts are a major focus of my "program". I visit the gym pretty much every day - and even after seven weeks, I admit there are several days still when I have to force myself to go. Much to my convenience, a new gym opened up this summer very close to us, all new, lots of equipment, very resonably priced, and with childcare available. In fact, they promote themselves as "bringing family friendly fitness to your neighborhood." Well.... I don't know about that.
So, on that note, I decided to reward myself with a new video IPOD. For a bargain of $137 dollars at Sam's, I can now watch TV shows I like at the gym (here's a pic of my favorite elliptical machine there - yeah, I have a favorite), as opposed to just having to stare at the big TV they have where apparently the only thing they can watch is Fox News or, of all things, the freakin Food Channel where Paula Dean is constantly whipping up something fried! I was using my favorite celebrity trash mags to get through the gym time, but I convinced Trav that in the long run - the IPOD would actually be cheaper!
Oh... and FYI, there are some random kid pics to accompany this post. :-)
Obviously, as you could imagine, my exercise efforts are a major focus of my "program". I visit the gym pretty much every day - and even after seven weeks, I admit there are several days still when I have to force myself to go. Much to my convenience, a new gym opened up this summer very close to us, all new, lots of equipment, very resonably priced, and with childcare available. In fact, they promote themselves as "bringing family friendly fitness to your neighborhood." Well.... I don't know about that.
receptionist/babysitter/diva while you sweat.
They do not, however, change diapers, or make potty runs. So, if you're in the home streatch of your workout and your kid needs changed... you will be interrupted to "take care of it", and don't expect any credit on your check out time either.
The first time I brought Tanner and Tessa there, as soon as we walked in, the receptionist who was was doing double duty that morning as the childcare person, was less than thrilled to see us arrive.
As I checked the kids in, I was debating on whether or not she maybe just wasn't a real "kid" person, or if she was just annoyed to be pulled away from her perch at the receptionist desk (where she had clearly been busy texting when we got there... ). But regardless, I had already made the effort to get there, so I decided for the next 35 minutes, even if she wasn't exactly "Mary Poppins" she could surely keep'em happy and alive.
I was high atop the elliptical with 12 minutes left to go, moving right along to my own personal version of "sexyback" playing in my head. Just as I was about to "take it to the chorus," suddenly "Scary Poppins" is standing in front of me, arms folded with an attitude. "Your baby is crying," she says.
Resisting my sudden urge to lunge at her, I instead explained between gasps for breath that Tanner had a pacifier in his seat, and maybe if that didn't work, and she felt comfortable, she could, you know, maybe try holding him.... hell, just smiling at him might have helped! She made a strange face and walked away. But she apparently did possess some problem-solving skills and must have found the pacifier, as I was able to finish my 12 minutes without her coming back. Bless her... In addition to their "childcare," here is the large sign posted above the changing table in the women's restroom. There's a glare in the picture, but it says, "PARENTS, PLEASE DO NOT THROW DIAPERS IN THE TRASH RECEPTACLES. PLEASE TAKE THEM WITH YOU OFF THE PREMISES."

Off the premises... are you kidding me?? You want me to wad up this dirty diaper and stick it in my bag and/or pocket to dispose of elsewhere? I'm not saying there aren't times/places when that would be most appropriate... there are. But to post some gigantic sign asking parents to do that here, where "family friendly fitness" is supposed to be in my neighborhood.... well, I'm sorry, but how very "family unfriendly."
I realize that in addition to sweat and body odor, they likely don't want poop diaper smell permeating throughout the gym (and hey, neither do it), but then why not buy a diaper genie, or just empty the trash more often - you know, like if you notice a person walk back there with a baby. I mean, I realize it would be a real tragedy for one of those diva-esque employees of theirs to have to haul a trash bag that contained some soiled diapers... but seriously - off the premises - WHATEVER!! Oddly enough, I actually noticed the sign after I chunked Tanner's loaded diaper in their trash can... Opps.
But anyway, be that as it may, I'm glad the gym is in our neighborhood... even if Mr. Rogers isn't exactly running it. I've only taken the kids a few times. Obviously, I try not to, but in one of my most dedicated moments last week I hauled all three'em up there. "Scary Poppin's" was trying to read a book when we checked in. Gracie immediately was in her face, "I'm Gracie. I go to Pre-K in Ms. Ross's class. I like your shirt. What's your favorite princess..." and then asking about her book, her hair, her nail polish, what's this, what's that.... I'm sure she talked to her nonstop the whole time. HA!
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