Sunday, December 13, 2009
Blogger Interrupted...
So I interrupted this unintentional blogging hiatus to tell you that, guess what? I'm leaving again!
In just an hour or so, we are flying out to Hawaii! Woo Hoo!
It's been a busy, crazy month leading up to this trip, but we are excited to be going! Luckily, sweet Aunt Mandy is staying with the kiddos all week, and so it'll be seven days of "grown up" activities.
But before we go, here are a few things to catch up. First... the picture is from today. Our sweet Gracie turned 7 earlier this month, and today we celebrated with friends by going to see the Princess and the Frog. It was good.... but there was some dark "voo doo" stuff in there that sort of freaked me out.
Next, The Biggest Loser ended - and I was SO HAPPY that Danny won. I just loved that guy. And following along with them, I managed to get to my "pre-trip" goal and hit 165 this week - FINALLY! So, now if I can just "stay" until after the holidays, I'll be thrilled.
And with that - we're off. I promise to get back to blogging this month. I wouldn't want my two loyal readers to be worried! HA!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
We trick or treated with the usual gang who heads to the Greers on Halloween. And it was great fun. Gracie has the trick or treat thing down pat, was running with the big kids, and probably could have taken on another couple of streets. Tessa and Tanner kept up okay, but were both exhausted by the time we finished with the loop...
It has been one of those weeks of struggling trying to get it all in... and luckily I pilfered threw the Halloween pumpkins right away and made sure all the Reese cups were gone (and by gone, I mean I ate them). HA! And once those were out of the way, I could refocus on the fact that I seriously want to lose at least 15 pounds in six weeks before I go on vacation!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Lucky Ones!
And in between the rain, there was lots of mud! That being the case, we had not had the chance to go to the pumpkin patch this year.
And of course, this past weekend was beautiful, perfect fall weather – and I had to work! BOO! However, fortunately for me, and my kiddos, Nana and Papa, along with Aunt Mandy (of course) came to our rescue and loaded them up for a trip to the pumpkin patch. I was so sad to miss all the fun, but it looks like they had a great time.
And new this year... after picking out your pumpkin you could ride a horse! It looks like no one was afraid to give it a try!
And then after the horse ride, there were apparently even more animals to see. I understand Tessa became quite fond of this particular donkey.
So they had a blast... clearly, Tanner played hard!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Here are my sweeties putting on a parade in the living room… that coffee table is so versatile. I’ve seen it go from being a stage, to a baby bed, to a school table, dinner table, shop counter, row boat, and here a parade float (notice the inflatable cats decorating the edge) all in one day… who knew??
But anyway… so that gigantic and resounding THUD you probably heard a week or so ago was the sound of my fat ass falling off the wagon… several factors were involved (aside from generalized laziness). I mean, I think it rained here for like a week and a half straight, which sucks the “get up and go” right out of me, and between that and a few personal pity parties I was throwing – let’s just say… I ate too much.
So, “weigh-in Wednesday” didn’t happen… I didn’t wanna know. I’ve been so frustrated with myself these days. I’ve wondered sometimes if I ever will really “conquer” my habits so that they are no longer my “habits”, and permanently reel in my “addiction”. I want to be one of those people who craves dry lettuce and more miles on the treadmill. HA! Sometimes it seems just as I begin to think I’ve got this down, my wagon easily topples. The *distractions* have gotten the best of me lately. But... I intend to drag myself back atop the wagon this week and try again… and I will.
Of course, this week the “season of candy” begins, and after one event we already have an insane amount floating about! I will have to muster up some serious will power to focus while there are Reese cups everywhere! They are Tessa’s favorite… along with the Skittles, of course. Gracie seems most interested in the tootsie suckers and starbursts this round. And Tanner… well, he likes it all!
I don’t remember how much Halloween candy I collected as a kid… but last year my three brought in enough to celebrate on into New Year’s with. And that’s not counting all the jaw breaks, sour balls, blow pops, and questionable “gummy” stuff I threw out! Yikes!
I have like three blog posts I've already written... and so I'll have to catch up this week... I just read a blog from one of the ladies doing the EMME, where she referred to how long it's been since her "last confession". HA! I'm hoping next week I'll have a good report... and not a sad confession!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It's Back!
Okay - so I am waayyy behind on all I've been needing to do - blogging is just one of them. And alas... here it is already - the LAST day of September. What??
So, I have not abandoned my EMME extravaganza. The hostess did get pregnant (and congrats to you, Amber), but I believe she is still hosting. However, I've been so busy keeping all the plates spinning this month, I haven't had a chance to actually check. But, I will...
In the meantime, THE BIGGEST LOSER is back! And I love that show! Last season was my first season to watch it - and originally, I didn't love it. I thought they were mean (and sometimes I think they still are), but I have developed an appreciation for it. Taking the whole "game" aspect out of it, it's a very motivational show and the constestants accomplish some great things. Thus far, this season I'm pulling for Abby. And of course, Shay...
So, on the Biggest Loser schedule, since the show comes on Tuesday nights, and I will not have a chance to watch it ever until Wednesday night - I'm having my own "Weigh In Wednesday". I started two weeks ago at 179 (still), and this week was 176. Woo Hoo!! Maybe I'll accomplish something by the end of the year and the Biggest Loser finale.
Random Updates:
I have been doing the Jazzercise (although, not as much as I would like). And it's not easy. It has been a good eye-opening experience into how much I still need to accomplish - for sure!
We're doing well... I think we're finally in the swing of the "school schedule". Gracie and Tanner are doing great - loving it. And Tessa is much better. She still complains daily about her uniform, but I did come across some Strawberry Shortcake headbands at Target last week, which matched the shoes she picked out. And she loves them! Having some accessories she is pleased with has helped ease the pain of having to put on the dreaded uniform each morning... at least a little. HA!
And we have officially committed to a new church - and are actually attending it as well. HA!
We're praying the fall is off to many great beginnings.... we'll see. And hopefully next month I can be more organized and back to more blogging. Thanks, friends, for all your sweet comments!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Boy!
Tanner will be officially 2 and a HALF later this month. And finally got to start back to his "school" last week. His school started later than the girls, and he was pretty bitter about it... and on top of that, the poor thing was sick the first day and had to miss.
I bought his backpack actually last year on clearance... so I've had it a while. Once I showed it to him... well, he has had it out and ready since late July. He requested it frequently, and would wear it around the house. Here he is ready to load up for school in one of his three favorite "ball shirts", and his new "race car" shoes that he has been patiently waiting to wear.
He loves his school... thank goodness. It's a sweet little preschool, and he is always referred to as a "joy to have in class". I really hope that theme continues... HA! With my job, he is in five days now. Sort of sad... he doesn't bat an eye when I leave. As soon as he's in the door..."Bye, Mamma." I even had to drag him crying from the open house. He wanted to stay and play!
"When I grow up I want to be a little boy," Joseph Heller
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Moment To Remember...
So, this morning after kissing everyone good-bye for the day, I ate my breakfast in peace and flipped on GMA to see what the world was up to via Charlie and Diane… and on this sad anniversary, as many others I’m sure, I could not help but reflect on where I was this day, eight years ago.
I had a very different life eight years ago. I was a secretary at a law firm – with no kids. I didn’t watch the news in the morning. Instead I watched Designing Women on Lifetime while I got dressed for work. I headed off - late, as usual - with my typical morning-drive company, Heather and DC. As I pulled on to I-630 and began to try to plug into what they were saying I realized, Heather was crying. This wasn’t funny – something was wrong. I listened all the way work… trying to figure out what had happened. They kept talking about New York, airplanes, Twin Towers… could this be an accident, or not…
When I arrived at work, my coworkers filled in the gaps… Everyone on my floor was gathered around a small T.V. in one of the attorney’s offices. We watched in silence, listening for some sort of explanation that wasn’t coming. We heard all air traffic had been grounded and a panicked mood took over. The managing partner closed the office for the day – sent everyone home. So within an hour of leaving home, I was back… glued to the TV, watching in disbelief…
Of course, we were never the same… and along with the fear and outrage that came post 9/11 – I also remember that sweet spirit of “humanity” our country seemed to suddenly have for one another. Compassion, kindness, understanding – all in abundance. We saw the world differently now … and had hearts more likely to serve and love than to judge and hate. We looked out for one another… we cared!
“Let us remember how we came together as one nation, as one people, as Americans, united not only in our grief, but in our resolve to stand with one another, to stand up for the country we all love". President Obama, from the Pentagon 09/11/2009.
And on a random side note, but along the lines of that serving spirit – you must watch this Oprah Video where she spotlights Dr. Dan and Suzie Bell, from Eureka Springs, AR. Heroes in Hard Times. This couple has started a free medical clinical in their town… Dr. Oz pays them a visit. It’s great.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Back In The Swing...
Of course, some days were better than others, and at times (probably too many) we did, indeed, take in way too much Disney Channel, Red Box movies, and pizza for dinner... but oh well. Some days we needed it! HA!
The first of August, we ordered new backpacks and lunch boxes... while Tessa wanted Ariel (all about the mermaids), Gracie said, "princesses are more for kindergartners," and she opted for a "Wizards of Waverly Place" backpack/lunch box. (Again, too much Disney Channel, and this is now her favorite show...).
Sunday, July 26, 2009
So Long Froggy....
This was him the other morning in his box... see the "stink eye". Do you think he wanted out? HA!
We decided it would be best to let him go because over the last few days I didn't think he was looking very well... I mean, as best as I can assess the overall health of a frog... but more importantly he wasn't eating his "frog bites", and that I deemed legitimately worrisome for the chance of waking up to a dead frog in a box in the near future. So... we "released" him back into the wild - our front yard.
Gracie was SOOO upset! She cried some real tears over Froggy's departure. So we had to break out the camera and document his leaving us appropriately. Tessa wanted Froggy to say bye to her blanket... and Tanner was giddy waiting for Trav to pop the top of that box so he could try to catch him.
In the end... we think he made a nice little frog nest by the tree in our front yard, and we encouraged Gracie that she might, in fact, see him hopping around again sometime soon.... bless.
And so we went inside with Gracie's sad little face, and my continued resolve that we WILL NOT have pets. :-)
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Caped Crusader...
Not too long ago, Tessa checked out a Super Friends DVD (the old school Justice League) from the library. Since then, the Super Friends have been a big hit around here. Tessa loves them... and Tanner has become a fan as well.
In fact, here is my little caped crusader... that is Tanner's "blanket" made special for him by Ms. Bridget, the dearest of friends, who also happens to know all about little boys.
He's been sleeping with it since he was probably 6 months old, and now it doubles as his all important Superman cape. He spends at least half the day with it tied around his neck... running about the house, jumping off anything he has manged to climb on without me noticing while hollering "Superman... To The Resue," and then he charges off... of course, saving the day.
I know you may think I'm bias, but I promise it's THE CUTEST thing EVERY time he does it - and it always makes me laugh.
I have been heavily reminded this week of the importance of finding the "joy," on the grand and small scales... taking some when you can get it... and being grateful for it.
I pray I am always able to notice that which God gives us, clearly for no other reason than to bring us "joy".
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Feeling Froggy...
So now I have to live with this creepy little frog hopping around his box, giving me the stink eye all day (especially after I accidentally left his box in Tanner's reach, who gave it a good shaking). I tell the kids we have to keep Froggy up and away so Tanner can't get it (which is true), but also because I can just feel those bug eyes staring at me... begging to get out.
When he hopes around his box in a frenzy... Trav tells the kids he's just "happy." I'm like, yeah, that's what he is... happy. But of course, the kids love him... in fact, he is now officially included in Tanner's "nite nite tour" as we call it, where everyone in the house has to get an official "nite nite" hug and kiss (although Froggy gets his kisses blown to him). So, I suppose as pets go, it could be worse. Thank goodness Gracie's little cousin didn't bring her a snake!
So... keeping that in mind with no idea how long a well fed frog in a box might actually live, I am trying to lay the ground work now that at some point... it may be time to let Froggy go. You know, giving the spill about how he might not like to be cooped up in the box forever... yada, yada, yada... let's free him. I'm thinking now that we're all attached to Froggy, when he does eventually croak, it'll be bad... very bad. So, at this point, I'm hoping we can have a "going away party" for him versus a funeral.
So, we'll see what happens. But in the meantime... this whole thing just solidifies my NOT PETS rule even more. As much as they LOVE the frog... who do you think has to remember to shake the frog food in box everyday??
Friday, July 17, 2009
Let's see... On TV these days, the show Ruby is quite inspiring... I love that show. I love her! She seems so genuine, and just the fact that she is willing to do so much, in front of so many... God bless her. I'm rooting for her!